
Sunday, September 6, 2009

My Momma Always Said...

In the Holy Qu'ran and in the Bible, it talks about how a civilization goes on the beliefs and ideas of their ancestors, even if counter-arguments come from God that are logical and true. The people disbelieve, because it is not what they are use to. Black people all over the Earth, but especially in America, have been taught a "slavery teaching", that goes under the name of Christianity. They have been taught to love their enemy no matter how unjustly their enemy treats them. Slaves were forbidden to read the Bible, also known as the "poison book." Then when we were allowed to read the Bible, it had been altered in such a way that would keep us in slavery. Not necessarily a physical bondage, but it would keep us in more of a mental bondage.
We did not question these teachings, no matter how far out they seemed. Even knowing that it was from a man who put us through the worst treatment any people on the face of this earth had to endure, we still did not question them. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad once asked, “If someone won't treat you right, then how can you expect them to teach you right?" Judging on how bad we are being mistreated, that should tell you how bad we are being taught. Then we refuse to question are teaching? You have been told not to question God, but in the Bible, Matthew 7:7, Jesus says, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." What you have taught been contradicts the book it is based on. If God is all-knowing, then why would he refuse to be questioned? He wants to give you knowledge. Hosea 4:6 states, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," and John 8:32 says, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." All this says is that God does not want you to be ignorant. He wants you to have the knowledge of Him and the knowledge of self. The more you know of God and self, the more of a god you will become, because "ye are all gods, children of the Most High God."


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